Status of your Flight Credit - Appeal

  • 12 Feb 2024
  • #583501
  • 34

Hello Vueling Team,

the flight credit in the email is incorrect, and though trying numerous times via the website and the customer service hotline, I can't get an answer to this - there is not even the possibility to write a personal text and/ or contact an operator.
I booked the flight BMF8ME Amsterdam-Palma de Mallorca, which I cancelled and correctly received a credit for. I then tried to book a flight to Barcelona, and again had to cancel one flight again, and never received the credit for the second flight, and it was impossible to reach an operator to assist in utilizing the flight credit/ get the credit amount back.
The two booking codes are:
PIJJRG & H9TJWB - there might even have been a third one, all DUS-BCN and return, for which I tried to use the balance from BMF8ME, but didn't succeed. Therefore, the balance below is missing the credit from the unsuccessful booking (which was also on the 100% refundable fair) - please correct my flight credit balance, all bookings were done from the email ******

Many thanks in advance & kind regards!

****** ******


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