Fluggeld Rückerstattung

  • Behoben
  • 15 Aug 2021
  • #278991
  • 382

Hallo Mein Mann hat einen Flug gebucht von München nach Indien und wieder zurück im November 2020. Dieser wurde aufgrund von Corona seitens der Fluggesellschaft gecancled. Bis heute hat er sein Geld nicht Rückerstattet bekommen.
Buchungsnummer: TDTIFI / 17266863
Passagier Name : Ajay Singh Choudhary


Ärger mit Tripmonster?

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Beschwerde schreiben!

16-08-2021 um 20:15 Uhr

Dear ******,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us and providing your booking details.

One of our agents is going to have a look at your case, contact the airline (if necessary) to ask for an update, and come back to you with further details.

Should you have any further requests, you can follow up by e-mail with our colleagues from Advanced Customer Support team.


17-08-2021 um 16:09 Uhr

Dear ******,

We have been informed that our colleagues from Advanced Customer Support team has contact you about your query. All the information has been sent by e-mail to the same address you indicated in the purchase process.

We kindly ask you to follow up with them through the e-mail thread that is already opened with the e-mail address used in the booking process.

Thanks and regards

30-08-2021 um 23:17 Uhr

Wir haben bisher noch keinerlei rückmeldung bekommen... wir warten nun seit fast 1 jahr auf das geld !

02-09-2021 um 17:09 Uhr

Dear customer,

Thanks for sending your case over.

We are aware of the fact that there are some refunds that are being delayed longer than usual, mainly due to airlines taking a long time to approve them. Please take into account that the approval of the refund by the airline is an essential step so that, later, the travel agency can make the refund of the corresponding amounts.

One of our agents has checked your case in detail with the airline, and confirmed that the refund request is registered and pending to be approved by the airline. As soon as it gets approved, we will proceed with the refund in a matter of maximum 2 weeks. Unfortunately we cannot give you a deadline as it depends on the airline timelines and procedures.

In any case, you must have received an e-mail from our Advanced Customer Support department with all the details. This e-mail is sent to the same address you indicated in the purchase process. Please don´t hesitate to follow up through this e-mail thread with our colleagues if you need it.

Thanks for your patience.


15-09-2021 um 21:08 Uhr

Bisher immer noch kein geld zurück erhalten. Wenn es so weiter geht schalten wir unseren anwalt ein!

17-09-2021 um 17:27 Uhr

Dear customer,

Thanks for sending your case over.

In any case, you must have received an e-mail from our Advanced Customer Support department with all the details, the email thread is 4468822. This e-mail is sent to the same address you indicated in the purchase process. Please don´t hesitate to follow up through this e-mail thread with our colleagues if you need it.

Thanks for your patience.


17-09-2021 um 17:32 Uhr

Leider haben wir diese email und die vorherigen nie bekomme .! Solangsam werden wir echt sauer und haben nach fast 1 jahr kein verständnis mehr für die wartezeiten!

21-09-2021 um 14:36 Uhr

Dear customer,

We have been informed that our colleagues from Advanced Customer Support team has contact you about your query. All the information has been sent by e-mail to the same address you indicated in the purchase process.

We kindly ask you to follow up with them through the e-mail thread that is already opened with the e-mail address used in the booking process.

Thanks and regards

Abschließende Betrachtung des Verbrauchers

14-10-2021 um 22:02 Uhr

Problem behoben

1 / 10

Kundenservice Note



Nie wieder

Zufriedenheitsindex: 52.7/100

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