Kratzendes Etikett

  • 19 Okt 2023
  • #552916
  • 59

Dear Madam or Sir,

unfortunately I have to complain about something. I bought several pieces of lingerie and tops for a longer holiday from you, I only found the pictures of this one. I buy that often and has been perfect so far, I think I buy them since the university, it always has been like a trendy cult fashion brand for me.
This time, however, some of them were not okay, the label on the side of the slip and of the tops was scratching on the skin and damaged the surface of the skin when wearing it, I was unable to wear them, so I had to throw them away. Unfortunately, the shops were already closed and I had nothing to replace them with. I didn´t have enough to wear and had to buy new ones. This annoyed me a lot, there were none, so I am sending the complaint. Unfortunately I don't have time to go to the shop to complain, I also don't remember which shop I bought it from, I don't even have a proper lunch break at the moment.
In the past I would have thrown them away and not complained, but now that money is tight I look more closely and report the problem. You will find a pdf with photos attached.
So I take the trouble to take photos and send the complaint, unfortunately I could not photograph everything. Due to lack of time I am filing the complaint much later, it has been a very long time. I am sorry, we hardly had time after the holiday and I found the photos much later on another phone.
I would be happy to receive a refund as a gesture of goodwill, or new products or samples of new varieties to try out.

Best regards, ******

****** Giorgi

Rothgerberbach 4
50676 Koeln
home 0049 221 99379347
cell 0049 176 46120569


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